Wake Up vs. Get Up

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Wake up and Get up have different meanings so they cannot be exchanged without a difference in meaning.

Wake up

Wake up = to stop sleeping and open your eyes.

When your alarm clock goes off in the morning you wake up because you are no longer sleeping.

You can wake up naturally (you body doesn't need to sleep any more) or something or someone can wake you up such as an alarm clock or a friend (or dog) jumping on your bed.

Wake up is a phrasal verb so only the first part, the verb, changes according to the tense.

Example sentences of Wake up:

To Wake (someone) up = To cause someone to stop sleeping.

The person that is being woken up (the object) is placed between the words Wake and Up. Often an object pronoun is used instead of the noun (or name).

Example sentences of Wake (someone) up:

Get up

Get up = to get out of bed (usually to start your day).

Get up can also mean: To go from a lying position onto your feet.

Example sentences of Get up:

The difference between Wake up and Get up in English

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